Private Offer

Mesa Homeowner’s – Pueblo, Colorado

Latest generation 400 watt monocrystalline solar panels and Energy Hub Inverter with 25 year (transferrable) warranty


SolarEdge Energy Bank battery DC coupled, highly efficient


SolarEdge Backup Interface Unit (BIU) with integrated automatic transfer switch

  • We will design a Custom Solar Energy System for your home with the latest generation TIER-1 solar panels (400watt) with a
  • SolarInsure extended 30 YR Warranty on panels and Inverters, 20 years on Batteries

Then we’ll add

  • a next generation SolarEdge Battery, with room to add (2) more!
  • We will include a $1,750 Backup Interface Unit with Automatic Transfer Switch for free, allowing your whole home to remain powered even during an extended grid outage, and
  • Receive an Amazon $500 Gift Card or $500 Check at installation, your choice, but you need to act before LABOR DAY!

If you want to add a Battery to your existing system, that’s OK too – Claim the special offer to add a TESLA Powerwall 2 battery and Gateway (with integrated automatic transfer switch)!

PLEASE NOTE: When you add a battery or even a generator to your system, in order to use that power safely during a grid outage, you MUST have an automatic transfer switch to keep the power in your home and comply with National Electric Code and Nation Fire Code.

We ensure your safety by including the BIU or Gateway with your system.

Call to discuss whether and AC Coupled battery can work with your system.

To claim this special offer, Call 719-671-5000 and provide the special discount code on your postcard, or if you do not have a postcard, we can validate your discount by property location.

If you are a Veteran, Thank You for your service! and be sure to ask about additional special discounts.